January Issue (Draft)
Why Proper Hydration is Critical in Young Athletes: The Dangers of Dehydration
By Tony Otero, Hydronix Water Technology
Wednesday, January 19, 2023
Staying hydrated is an essential — and often overlooked — aspect of our health. Dehydration is detrimental to our bodies, especially for athletes.
Back in 2019, my son Vincent woke my wife and I in the middle of the night complaining of migraine-type headaches and nausea. We rushed him to the E.R., where he was diagnosed with dehydration and given an IV for fluids.
I asked my son later about his football team’s water breaks. He told me that during two-hour summer practices, their breaks consisted of only a few sips from a garden hose.
I decided that drastic steps had to be taken. I invested in my company’s 600 gpd RO system, a 40-gallon storage tank, and 40 oz. BPA-free water bottles for the team.
This led to the coaches extending the players’ water breaks and the booster club investing in a wagon cart with a 150-gallon storage tank for field use.
The team ended up winning their division and made it to the 3rd round in playoff contention.
The high school has now made it a priority for teams to have their own “Hydration Station.”